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In Memoriam ? Don Shanahan

In Memoriam - Don Shanahan 

Presqu'ile Provincial Park and The Friends lost a good friend with the passing of Don Shanahan on Tuesday, 17 January, 2012. The Board of Directors, on behalf of the many members of the Friends of Presqu'ile who have benefited from Don Shanahan's contributions and love of the Park, wish to express our sincere condolences to Ian and all of Don's family.

We appreciate that Don's son Ian has allowed us to share his message to the birding community which follows:

"I am deeply saddened to announce the passing of my dad, Don Shanahan. He was 67. His battle with Mesothelioma ended very peacefully at the family home in Brighton surrounded by family and friends. This came mere days after returning from a two-week visit to the Yucatan peninsula where Dad enjoyed his beloved tropics one last time. His final lifer was a Crane Hawk that was seen at close range from the balcony of our suite. He was also thrilled to see some familiar warblers such as parulas, redstarts and "maggies".

He came to birding shortly after retiring from teaching biology in Toronto and did the vast majority of his Ontario birding at nearby Presqu'ile Provincial Park where he developed a deep love for shorebirds and warblers. This spread to an overall love for the natural world which he shared with me and many patrons during trips with Quest Nature Tours. He never forced a love of nature on me, but it is a passion I will carry with me hereafter.

A down-to-Earth sort of guy, my dad would like to be remembered at an informal party at the family home in Brighton. This will take place in May - his favourite month and the time when shorebirds and warblers are close at hand.

Two visitations will take place at the Walas Funeral Home at 130 Main Street West in Brighton this coming Saturday the 21st of January from 2-4 and 7-9pm. Information on donations is forthcoming, but I do know that there will be both a cancer-related and a bird-related organization involved.

Think of my dad the next time you see a Red Knot or Whimbrel on the Presqu'ile beach in May.'

This message is being posted in gratitude to Don for his contributions and acknowledgement to his family of our appreciation for his contributions to and love of Presqu'ile Provincial Park

On behalf of the Board and The Friends Presqu'ile Park members

Steve Sinclair, Chair

January 19th, 2012