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Winter Message from our Chair

Well, another year has come and gone at Presqu’ile Provincial Park. The Friends of Presqu’ile were kept busy with various programs and projects. This month, our Newsroom is featuring articles on some environmental and park improvement initiatives. I encourage everyone to visit our website as well, for continuous updates

Here are some highlights to pique your interest. Party In The Park was a great success with Terry Denyes and The Brighton All Stars Show Band entertaining a large crowd this summer.  The 200+ free cookies at this event were a big hit with everyone.  A pergola (roof structure) was added to Audrey’s Place on the Marsh Boardwalk. Visitors can now rest and enjoy the shade that it offers as well as protection from wet weather.  Improvements were made to the Gallery Room at the Lighthouse Interpretive Centre.  A fresh look with hanging pictures gave the room an upscale art gallery look.  

As always, we appreciate the efforts and the time given by our volunteers. From the BBQ team working Saturdays, board and committee members, to the trail monitors and tree planters, to the gift shop team, to those who come out to assist with special events like Waterfowl Weekend - thank you to each and every one of you. 

Enjoy the holiday season with friends and family and may we all stay healthy in 2025 to enjoy the park once again.